Thursday, October 13, 2011

I like my body...

I won't presume to add to perfection, so without further adieu - 

e.e. cummings

Remind you of your Sir? Your baby girl?



xoLilGirlxo said...

Well I love my husbands body, but not my tummy since having two 10 pound babies LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yes, just today when Daddy was lying over me I was telling him what a turn on all his muscles are to me...I love him. All of him!


Simon Taylor said...

I love the sentiments in the lines and I'd love your body next to mine

baby girl said...


I'm sure hubby loves your body as much as you love his.


There is something about when they are towering over you, isn't it? Very hot!

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite poems of all time.

Love the blog, exquisite writing.

baby girl said...


The poem is awesome, isn't it?

Thanks for the compliment. Happy you enjoyed my blog and my writing. Feel free to stop by anytime!