Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Submissive Soul

Do you believe?


Anonymous said...

Love the picture!


Simon Taylor said...

I do like the photo and I agree with the words , you get few chances in this life for happiness with a person, when they come along you grab it and hang on for dear life never let her go x

Baby Girl said...

Completely agree!

kiwigirliegirl said...

love the picture and i so completely believe :) lovely post

senorrose4 said...

I COMPLETELY agree!! That is the way God intended life with a spouse to be!!



Mimi said...

Highly erotic photot, thank you for that.

I totally believe in this sentiment as I am lucky enough to be living it!

baby girl said...


I agree. The pic is muy caliente!


I agree with the words also and you are right - when the person comes along you should hold on!

Baby Girl,

I agree - the words are really special.


I admit, the picture is hot and the words aren't too shabby either.


This is a perfect template for a happy union. Always nice to hear a man's view on things.


The picture is indeed erotic and if you are living this you are one lucky duck!

Sweetsong said...

I met her, and I didn't let her go. But she let me go, and she broke my heart. So no, I don't believe.